The Hearth Trust is a charitable trust, registered with the Charities Service.
Through the generosity of a Wellington philanthropist, the Trust purchased a lifestyle property in Kelson, Lower Hutt. The property provides a beautiful natural environment with easy contour paddocks, surroundings of native bush and commanding views over Lower Hutt.
There are two interconnecting houses on the property, with plenty of room for several people with intellectual disabilities to live comfortably. As well as providing long term homes, the Trust also has the capacity to provide a short term home for people with intellectual disabilities, who for various reasons may need a break from their usual place of residence.
The Trust also offers opportunities for people with disabilities who do not live in the homes to come to the property to help develop gardens, engage in craft workshops and join in music/social events. We have a large barn on the property which provides a multi-function space which enables us to extend our reach to more people with disabilities.
Objectives of the Hearth Trust
Provide homes with supported long term care
for people with intellectual disability

Provide homes with supported short term care for people with intellectual disability

Homes will be comfortable, spacious and take into account the needs and wishes of those living in it. Supported care will be of a holistic nature to enable individuals to lead healthy and fulfilling lives in all aspects—mentally, physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually through:
Fostering an atmosphere of warmth, love and “homeliness”
Providing nutritious food, adequate exercise, and good rhythms of sleep and activities;
Creating meaningful roles of work and contribution;
Fostering a sense of belonging, to family and to community and encouraging positive, respectful and caring relationships amongst individuals;
Providing opportunities for learning new skills and maturing as people;
Empowering individuals to make choices, and recognising the rights of individuals, their families and independent advocates to be involved in decisions affecting them;
Providing enriching experiences and cultural expressions;
Engendering a respect for the natural and home environment and providing opportunities to care for it;
Supporting individuals to live with a sense of purpose and meaning.
Our Key Principles, which guides the practice of our support workers, can be downloaded here.